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Hirka, halelaus og jordblind

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Ingen bestialsk krim

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onsdag 4. juni 2014

Gode sitater fra Plus One av Elizabeth Fama

Enkelte bøker byr på mange vakre sitater, det må deles. 

I vår leste jeg Plus One av Elizabeth Fama, en historie hvor menneskets fortid har endret framtiden. Endringene ble gjort under Spanskesyken, og verden slik vi kjenner den i dag eksisterer ikke. Jeg har skrevet meg om boken på min engelske bokblogg Escape In A Book, les gjerne innlegget ved å følge linken her.

"But after he tells you how they died, I want you to remember how they lived(...)"
It was familiar, it made sense, it was permanent. It had never been presented as a point of discussion.
Powerless But for the star destroyer Unknowing She crash-lands in his heart.

“Look at the mid- sky, about halfway up from the horizon, and wait for your eyes to adjust,” I said softly. “It will take five to ten minutes.”He was quiet. The sky was full of stars; and the spaces between them were not fully black, because the longer we stared, the more the pricks of other stars peeked behind and next to them. I stole that time to listen to him breathe. I soaked up his presence, storing it for the future, burning it into my memory.
The bridge was geologically ancient, an impassive observer, surrounded by life that was fleeting in comparison: trees that would only survive hundreds of years, tourists who would only live decades, insects that would thrive only for weeks.
Soon the sky had become a blanket of stars; and then it became heavy, bulging down on us, so thick it was like soup that I might reach up and stir with my hand if I tried. And finally, to my relief, Cygnus the Swan and the Great Summer Triangle began to emerge from the cosmos with the faint, cloudy dragon spine of the edge of our galaxy.“Oh my god, is that the Milky Way?” he whispered. My throat got hot. It was the most beautiful thing I could ever have hoped to show him.

Hvordan likte du de utvalgte sitatene og språket forfatteren har brukt? Hvilket sitat hadde du mest eller minst sans for?


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